Saturday, July 29, 2017

A520.9.3.RB - Course Reflections


The course readings and videos were extremely insightful and beneficial. It has helped me learn more about myself both personally and professionally.  I gained insight into my personal skills such as values, emotional intelligence, and learning style.  The managing stress and well being lesson reminded me of the importance of self-awareness and care.  In fact, I set an 8 week goal of clean eating and scheduled exercise.  I also made time in my day to practice meditation.  This class also helped hone more leadership skills including creative problem solving.   I realized I place several constraints on myself.  Constancy and Complacency are probably the two conceptual blocks that that inhibit my problem solving the most.  My aim is to be more mindful and self-aware of when I am avoiding thinking.

Image result for leaders quotes motivationCommunicating Supportively and Motivating others are two lessons  I truly appreciated. I will use the information learned for myself and to share with others.  In the Motivating others module, we watched the Dan Ariely video made me reflect on what motivates my followers.  I feel ownership piece is a contributor.  With my new job, I have been asking a lot of questions and going out to see how and what others are working on.  This has let the Airmen take ownership of their tasks by acknowledging their work while learning new things myself.  I could tell right away that the Airmen weren't used to this and jumped at the opportunity to teach and show off their work.  This not only motivated them, it also empowered them.  A good leader needs to be able to motivate their people to accomplish more than the person believes is possible.   I will use all that I've learned to develop myself and others as I continue in my endeavor to make a difference.  

 Image result for Leader Quotes

Whetten, D. A., & Cameron, K. S. (2016). Developing management skills (9th ed.). Essex, England: Pearson Education.

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