Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A641.9.3.RB - Becoming a Resonant Leader


    You have learned a lot over the last 9 weeks. More importantly, you have learned a lot about yourself. There are certain things about your real self you wish to move towards becoming your ideal self. These areas include learning how to get back to the physical health, completing your degree, and creating a work-life balance through mindfulness. Below is a detailed plan on how to accomplish all learning goals through action steps and milestones.

Learning Goal 1: Improve Physical Fitness and Overall Health 

Milestone 1: Workout 3 days a week for 3 months 
    Action Steps:
    1. Partner with Bryan to ensure accountability 
    2. Go to sleep at a reasonable time every night to get up early and workout. Lack of sleep and moving cannot be an excuse.
    3. Get enrolled in fitness class at next base / find new workout friends 
Milestone 2: Run a 5K 
    Action Steps:
    1. Slowly incorporate cardio into the exercise routine.
    2. Gradually incorporate frequency of training each week until running 3 times a week.
    3. Gradually increase the distance each week.
    4. Sign up for 5K that begins 3 months from training start date to allow myself ample training time to prepare and hold myself accountable.
Milestone 3: Meal plan
    Action Steps:
    1. Prepare meal plan and menu every Sunday.
    2. Grocery shop every Sunday and follow through on purchasing menu items.
    3. Review weekly family activity schedule to prepare for dinner conflicts accordingly.

Learning Goal 2: Complete Master’s Degree & graduate by July 31, 2021

Milestone 1: Complete MSLD 641
    Action Steps:
    1. Complete Discussion board post & 2 replies
    2. Complete General assignment  
    3. Complete/post this blog
    4. Finish strong  
Milestone 2: Complete MSLD 690
    Action Steps:
    1. Plan future schedules around coursework.
    2. Work with advisor to ensure eligibility
    3. Enroll for the course
    4. Complete course
Milestone 3: Graduate
    Action steps:
    1. Apply for graduation
    2. Plan date/time
    3. Invite friends and family to ceremony

Learning Goal 3: Create a healthy work-life balance full of mindfulness

Milestone 1: Improve mindfulness and self-awareness.
    Action Steps:
    1. Continue reading/researching mindfulness
    2. Find a church in new town that I connect with
    3. Attend 4 weekend masses in a row.
Milestone 2: Limit technology
    Action Steps:
    1. Do a tech-free day or weekend before the end of January.  
    2. Only listen to mindfulness podcasts to/from work
    3. Set limits on my phone like I do for the kids
    4. Discuss with Bryan and family about joining
Milestone 3: Daily meditation
Action Steps:
    1. Research different types of meditation
    2. Dedicate 10 minutes a day after waking up to meditation
    3. Discuss meditation with friends and family who have prior experience.

Seeing your personal vision become a reality will not be an easy journey. There will inevitably be some obstacles along the way. You will need people in your life to help support you and achieve your learning goals. There may even be some setbacks to accomplishing these goals, but you must see them as temporary and continue Look to your husband, kids, family, friends, and coworkers to be your greatest sources of support.

While this is a considerable amount to think about right now, remember to stay focused but flexible to new opportunities. This letter is a roadmap to what you feel is your current vision. However, we know that life is anything but predictable – and why we are directionally oriented in planning. We know that life is full of detours and that everything can change everything in a second.

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