Tuesday, December 1, 2020

A641.7.3.RB - Appreciating Your "Real Self"

Complete the following exercises: "Listening To Your Wake Up Calls" in Chapter 3 of the workbook “Becoming a Resonant Leader.” 

Taking Stock  

Building Mindfulness Through a Personal Inventory

The activities I consider of greatest worth in my life are working hard, teaching my kids, mentoring others, reading, learning, time with family, and time spent outdoors.  The activities I consider of greatest worth in my work are mentoring others, working hard, learning, networking, and building relationships.  

What am I currently doing in my life that I like?
  • Make the time challenge
  • Taking masters class
  • Decluttering and getting rid of stuff around the house
  • Journaling
What am I currently doing in my work that I like?
  • Dragon University classes
  • Mentoring / feedback with others
  • Coaching Lauren
What am I currently doing in my life that I don't like
  • Being tired / taking naps
  • Scrolling Facebook so much
  • Not intentionally / deliberately focusing on kids
  • Not working out
  • Complaining 
  • Swearing
What am I currently doing in my work that I don't like?
  • Being unproductive
  • Not seeking out work
  • Gossiping / Rumor mill
  • Complaining

Mindfulness Check-In  

During the 2-minute mindfulness check-in it was easy to focus on the negative stressors in my life such as moving and finding a new house, worrying about my kids in school and health concerns amidst COVID pandemic.  Through this exercise, I realize I do not want to think about being negative or constantly worrying.  

The main areas of my body that I carry tension and stress are my neck, back and shoulders.  The past few weeks my back and neck have been hurting, but yesterday was the worst.  My back was spasming so bad that I could hardly move.  I had to schedule a massage and even after 20 minutes the therapist was not able to fully relax my muscles.  I need to prioritize my health and self-care.  I scheduled another a full massage for Thursday but making these a normal part of my routine care is necessary.  On the flip side, I took time this weekend to paint my nails (which I hardly ever do).  This made me happy especially since several people at work complimented me on the color.  

When focusing on my spirit, the images that came to mind were my son, Hayden, writing his stories.  He has such a vivid imagination and is extremely creative.  I need to encourage him more, letting him know I'm proud and supportive.  My kids inspire me to take time to enjoy the small things in life.  They also inspire me to finish my commitments, stay creative and to continue writing.  

Seeking Balance  

Attending Mindfully to All Aspects of My Self

Body - Eat healthy, stretching daily, routine massage/chiropractor appointments, workout, yoga

Spirit - Read, meditate, go to church

Mind - Journaling, reading, learning

Emotion - Time with kids, gardening, mentoring

Mindfulness Change  

Fine-Tuning Beliefs and Behavior
I need to focus on my body and physical health by eating healthy and exercising regularly.  Self care has not been a priority but obviously needs to be.  I will challenge myself to exercise at least two times a week.  Eating healthy while travelling and moving will be difficult - I need plan ahead and choose healthy options when dining out and to-go.   I also need to connect with family more often.  When I first joined the Air Force I would spend Sunday's calling family and writing letters.  I would like to get back to doing that and include the kids; this would help emotionally.  Along with exercising regularly, I intend to practice mindfulness daily.  Specifically, I am setting my morning alarm for 15 minutes earlier to do yoga, journaling or mediation.  Lastly, I will engage in activities that I enjoy without guilt or shame.  

I was not surprised by any of my responses or answers.  On the contrary, I know and have known where I am lacking in regards to being mindful.  However, these exercises continue to remind me to re-align my actions and intentions. "Active participation in the world rather than detached observation" (Denning, p. 271). Action is critical to success and leadership. I must be intentional in my efforts and continuously create goals and milestones.

Denning, S. (2011). The leader’s guide to storytelling: Mastering the art and discipline of business narrative. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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