Saturday, October 24, 2020

A641.1.3.RB - What is Great Leadership?

Depending on who you ask, you may get very different ideas of great leadership. In the video, "What is Great Leadership?" Dr. Richard Boyatzis explains the impact most effective leaders can have on you. 

Dr. Boyatzis' video exercise had me reflect on a leader whom I would try to avoid and did not bring out the best in me. Unfortunately, I have worked for a few of these "leaders".  One in particular, stands out as making me feel small and insecure.  He would often question and belittle members as a show of dominance.  I had the unfortunate experience to be screamed at, undermined and berated unjustifiably front of my team by him.  He did not allow me the opportunity to respond or give any perspective. I assume most he said was to make a point and be 'heard' by my team rather any sort of effective and actionable feedback. This approach, for me, was not respected or appreciated.  Rather than inspiring and leading his team, he would often micromanage and question his subordinates.  

In contrast, whenever I think of great leaders, I think of CMSgt Chasidy Sells. It is difficult to encapsulate how Chasidy's leadership. However, Dr. Boyatzis' exercise to describe how the leader make you feel helps put it into words. When I think of Chas I envision her bright bubbly smile and demeanor. She is a ball of energy and brings laughter, light and fun wherever she goes. She seamlessly makes everyone feel welcomed and part of the team. Chasidy is caring, kind and compassionate as well as uncomplicated and candid. Boyatzis describes how great leaders make you feel and states the music of leadership is emotions. Chasidy Sells is one of those great leaders.  She valued the members of our squadron and inspired me and many others.   

In the military, upholding standards and discipline is an integral part of our culture. As the squadron First Sergeant, Chas acted as the Commanders right hand (wo)-man enforcing standards. Oftentimes she would have to advise on disciplinary actions and punishment. The 1st Sergeant must also stand by the member receiving the punishment, explaining the decision and helping them understand and correct their behavior. "Like a master pianist who captures the power and majesty of a composition, an emotionally dynamic leader brings forth the “music” of the organization in all its complexity and inspires others to achieve their own potential as they contribute to the organization" (Egan & Feyerherm, 2007).  On several instances I remember Sergeant Sells mentoring Airmen after being reprimanded or demoted yet she was effectively able to lead them to a better place in their lives and careers.  Although she was just doing her job as a 1st Sergeant, how she did it made the difference.  She truly cared and still maintains relationships with her Airmen to this day.  She was a leader, friend and mentor yet I bet she would never fully know or understand the impact of her inspirational leadership. She has touched so many lives and I would gladly work with her again.  

Boyatzis, Robert. (n.d.) What is Great Leadership? [Video]. Case Western Reserve University.

Terri D. Egan, P. D., & Ann Feyerherm, P. D. (2017, October 30). Emotional Dynamism: Playing the Music of Leadership - A Peer-Reviewed Academic Articles: GBR.

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