Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A520.2.3.RB - 10 Minutes a Day

Andy Puddicombe's video was very interesting.  Although, this is not the first time I've been exposed to meditation and remaining present.  In the evenings, before bed, I meditate.  I also use this time to reflect on the day.  Usually, this is after the boys are in bed and everything for the next day is prepared.  This allows me the opportunity to relax and not be distracted.  Before last year, I had not thought much of reflection or meditation.  However, at a briefing for Air Force bullet writing, the instructor Chuck Diven, offered an after-briefing "How to be 10% happier (Tornado optional)"  where he would describe his experience of surviving a tornado and how he used meditation and self-awareness through it.  Intrigued, I joined two other people and listened to his incredible story.  While describing his life before and after an F5 tornado destroying his house with him inside, he also focused on his journey of self-awareness.  He also mentioned a few books, specifically 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in my Head by Dan Harris.  That night, I went on Amazon and ordered that book, thus starting my own journey of self-awareness and meditation.  

Spending 10 minutes doing nothing has helped me several ways.  The first and probably most beneficial has been realizing the need for self-care.  As a wife and mother, it is easy to get caught up with life and focus on everyone else's needs expect for my own.  With meditation, I set aside 10 or so minutes to just breath.  This practice has also helped me quiet my mind.  I have a (bad) habit of constantly thinking of what needs to be done, cleaned, made, moved, changed, said, etc. and stress about things in the past such as what I did (or didn't do), what I said (or didn't say) and dwell about misfortunes and frustrations. 

Meditation and mindfulness allows me to have thoughts without judgement and reactive emotions.  This exercise has made me realize that my stress is related to time stressors and anticipatory stressors.  This week's readings provided Time Management rules that I plan to use to enhance efficient time use and combat stress.
Furthermore, remaining in the present allows me not focus on the past or future.  It lets me live in the moment and enjoy the present.  Meditation and mindfulness has also helped in times of stress realize that the situation may not be as extreme as it might appear.  It allows me to remain self-aware and regulate and control my emotions, thus building my emotional intelligence.

In order to make this a positive, lasting change I must practice meditation daily to the best of my ability.  Like the sayings go...practice makes perfect and if you don't use it, you'll lose it.  Truly what I need to do is schedule time out of my day to practice my meditation.  I am appreciative of my new found life skill and intend to use and share it with others.  In fact, I've had both my children do a few kids sessions to help them  to slow down, focus and become self-aware.  I will also encourage my team at work to meditate as I truly believe the benefits are powerful and far-reaching. 

Whetten, D. A., & Cameron, K. S. (2016). Developing management skills (9th ed.). Essex, England: Pearson Education.
All it takes is 10 minutes

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