Thursday, February 27, 2025

Practice Coaching - Day 10

I just finished week 6 of my training through CTEDU, have started coaching "practice clients" and have already learned so much - I'm turning here to reflect on the experience.  

I've had the amazing opportunity to meet two fellow female Chief Master Sergeants who graciously took the opportunity to take time/space for my coaching practice while furthering their self-exploration and goals.  

Session 1 was introductions and designing an alliance.  I was Super nervous going into the meeting but felt immediately connected with "J".  It was a great session, and I think we both left feeling excited for this new journey.  I left that same day (Friday) to travel to Missouri for the weekend.  It was a much-needed trip with "my girls" and returned Sunday night.  Needless to say, Monday I was exhausted.  Unfortunately, that's when I had my session 1 with "R".  I felt the same bond with her that I did was J although I was off.  I was distracted and tired and didn't feel in tuned with the client.  I also think connecting via telephone for the 1st session really threw me off.  

Through both experiences I realized that preparation is Key.  Getting myself to a good space mentally and emotionally is a Must.  A 5-10 minute "prep" time before sessions could prove invaluable so I can review past notes/sessions, along with powerful questions and agenda setting.  

Session 2 with "J" was exciting.  We explored influence and seeking validation.  My main "focus" was to set the space, use the TIME agenda and get through all 7 elements of coaching.  Success! While some of it felt a little forced / unnatural to ask the questions, I think it was well received and effective.  I practiced active listening, reflection, emotional validation, challenging assumptions and empowering the client to take ownership of their development.  

Not including check-in/setting the space, Account/progress on action steps and summarizing/clarifying questions - I asked 14 questions.  

"J" is a wonderful client with a growth mindset and uncanny ability to truly reflect/respond to the questions I asked.  Overall, it waa productive coaching session with good rapport and insightful exploration. I think "J" gained valuable self-awareness and actionable steps towards positive change.

This past week I started using Calendly which is a helpful tool for scheduling meetings along with OtterAi to transcribe and summarize the sessions.  Additionally, the below excerpt came from GPT when I inquired about my questioning and possible trends.  One possible blind spot is that I didn't explore potential power dynamics and how that might affect the client's influence.  

Overall, the first 10 days of Coaching have been great.  The training program through CTEDU is going well and I'm already learning so much.  I think I'm off to a fantastic start.  I have a passion for coaching, commitment to my clients and a dedication to continuous learning.  I hope to continue to reflect on my experiences and integrate feedback so I can continue to grow as a skilled and impactful coach.  


Here are some key trends in the questions and the techniques they demonstrate:

1. A Blend of Directive and Non-Directive Coaching:

  • Non-Directive: Many questions are open-ended, allowing the coachee to explore their own thoughts and feelings (e.g., "How did that make you feel?", "What would you like to talk about?").

  • Directive: The coach also provides summaries, reframes situations, and suggests potential solutions, demonstrating more directive coaching (e.g., "So I'm going to summarize...", "we could get to an acceptance...", "giving them the space...").

    • This blend suggests the coach adapts their approach based on the situation and the coachee's needs.

2. Focus on Emotional Intelligence & Self-Awareness:

  • Many questions delve into the coachee's emotions and how they connect to their actions (e.g., "How did it make you feel?", "What are you bringing to the team?", "who do you want to be?").
  • This emphasis on feelings suggests the coach values emotional intelligence as a key driver of behavior change and workplace success.

3. Connecting Action to Values and Identity:

  • The coach consistently links desired outcomes (influence, validation) to the coachee's core values and desired identity (e.g., "Why is this important?", "validation of your value", "who do you want to be?").
  • This technique promotes intrinsic motivation by aligning actions with what truly matters to the coachee.

4. Iterative Process of Reflection and Action:

  • The questions guide the coachee through a cycle of reflecting on past experiences, identifying areas for growth, exploring solutions, and planning concrete actions.
  • This iterative approach fosters continuous learning and development.

5. Potential Blind Spot: Power Dynamics:

  • While the coach encourages giving others "space," there's limited exploration of potential power dynamics in the coachee's workplace relationships.
  • Depending on the context, further exploration of these dynamics might be beneficial.

Overall, the questions reveal a skilled coach who employs a thoughtful and adaptable approach. They prioritize emotional intelligence, connect actions to values, and guide the coachee towards sustainable change.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Reflections: 1 Achievement, 2 People, 3 Goals


 As we come to the end of 2024, I challenge you to reflect on

1 - What is one achievement you are most proud of this year?

2 – Who are two people that helped you achieve this goal? (Have you told them?)

3 – What are three of your goals for 2025?


One achievement I am most proud of this year is being intentional and consistent. 

Bryan and Christina are two people who helped me achieve my goal, and I thank them tremendously

I have three goals for 2025: Be a more consistent writer, Be more social, and make the most of family time.



2024 was a year of habits and goals. I joined the Atomic Habits book club, through “Strong and Resilient Women—Self-Care & Wellness for the Military Community.” which set the stage for a successful year. Though I’ve read the book before, I was determined to be more intentional about my efforts. 

                After reading Atomic Habits, I decided that one habit I wanted to focus on was self-reflection through consistent journaling.  This was the first year I’ve ever finished a journal.  That is a tremendous feat for me as I have notes, journals, notebooks, and writings from my early teenage years yet I have never filled a journal. 

                In 2023, I completed 34 runs for 81.55 miles (11:24 average pace).  In 2024, I strived to be a more consistent runner. With a 10:35 average pace, I’ve completed 81 runs and 172 miles in 2024.  Not only did I more than double my overall distance, but I also greatly increased my pace. 

My third goal for 2024 was to read more.  In 2023, I started 2-3  books (did not finish any) and listened to 2 audiobooks.  By the end of the year, I will have completed 6 hard-copy books and 2 audiobooks. 

Overall, the achievement I am most proud of this year is being intentional and consistent.  Atomic Habits was an excellent approach to aligning my actions and intentions. 


Bryan and Christina are two people who helped me achieve my goal.  

 My husband, Bryan, has been my biggest supporter for almost as long as I've known him.   I often turn to him for support, direction, and feedback.  He listens to me and gives open and honest feedback.  

I found and followed Christina Mattison’s Facebook page Strong and Resilient Women –Self-Care & Wellness for the Military Community several years ago.  She provides mindset and mindfulness tools through book clubs, retreats, challenges, and other forums.  Her content and support help me continuously become a better version of myself. 


2025 is right around the corner and will be filled with many milestones, “firsts” and “lasts”.  Chevy turns 16 and will become a legal driver and Hayden will officially become a teenager.  Landon will surely transition from days of holding hands, and morning cuddles as he enters 1st grade in the Fall.  I will celebrate the last year of my 30’s (although I still claim to be 28-32 years old depending on the day).  Additionally, Bryan and I will celebrate our 15th anniversary!  Following my 2024 intentions, in 2025 my goals are

·         Be a more consistent writer whether journaling, blogging, writing letters, or working on a book.  I often find self-reflection, discovery, and direction through writing.  One way I will challenge myself is through Toastmasters. I joined a local club and will begin my Pathways journey which involves writing and delivering presentations.      

·         Be more social – My tendency is to stay in my comfort zone, socially, which is perceived as quiet, shy, and introverted.  However, as I consider a career transition, I’ve targeted specific areas to get out of that comfort zone.  I’ve been following the Red River Runners Club and RWB Shreveport for months but haven’t joined or participated in any of their events.  Additionally, I started Better Up Coaching to receive coaching on all aspects of my life (and gain better insight into whether Coaching is the career I want to pursue). 

·         Make the most of family time – Bryan and I have done better (I think) with creating the family we want.  What I mean by that is we share our values and goals with the boys and incorporate those into our family time hoping that the boys develop skills and experiences while also creating fun childhood memories.  We value physical improvement, so we invite the boys to run or work out with us. We’ve completed two 5Ks as a family (I hope to include Landon this year).  We also value self-improvement and have made monthly challenge charts to improve certain skills or train/develop new skills.  One area I want to focus on this year, as a family, is downtime.  We go camping every year with Bryan’s family and have taken a few family weekend trips with Byron and Caroline while the boys opted to stay at Tyra’s.  But we haven’t taken a family trip since before Landon was born. 

I'm interested to know your 2024 achievements and goals for 2025.  Please feel free to share them here.  

~Shane Lynn 💕

Monday, January 9, 2023

RBLP 1- Create a Positive Climate

Create a Positive Climate

Leaders can create a positive climate by earning trust, treating people with respect, enforcing accountability, encouraging people to have fun, demonstrating character, and managing expectations. High morale is a consequence of a positive climate. People that work in a positive climate are more resilient.

Below are my reflections on Creating a Positive Climate.  

1 - Analyze Team Climate

Would you describe the climate that you currently work in as positive or negative? How would you describe previous climates where you worked?

I would describe my current work climate as mostly positive but fluctuates daily depending on the daily mission and supervision.  

Climate is reflected by attitudes that characterize the team. Climate is a bottom-up concept and the responsibility of front-line leaders.

I have worked in positive and negative work climates but try to encourage positive work environments.  

Why are people who work in a positive climate more able to overcome challenges and then adapt and grow due to the challenges?

I believe that people who work in a positive climate can overcome challenges because they are willing to work harder for their leadership and team.  Teamwork and camaraderie foster positive climates and unity where members adapt and grow through challenges.  

Teamwork offers strength during adversity.  Additionally, people can gain greater maturity through navigating tense situations, stronger understanding and critical thinking skills, better people skills, and an enhanced ability to multitask through managing challenges.  

2 - Earn Trust

In your experience, why is earning the trust of your team so important?

Earning the trust of my team is important because why should they follow me if they don't trust me?  My team must trust that I will work for them, and they can come to me with problems and support.  

How does earning trust help to create a positive climate?

Trust helps create a positive climate 

Have you always trusted your supervisors?

No, I have not always trusted my supervisors.  There was a specific time when my boss tried to upend my career.  I did not trust him and withheld information as I thought he would use anything he could against me.  Morale, communication, and teamwork decreased.  

How do you earn the trust of your team?

You earn the trust of your team by being open, honest, and vulnerable.  You must show them you are willing to "get your hands dirty" and also willing to stick your neck out for them.  You have to support and promote their ideas but also ensure that they get the credit they deserve.  

3 - Treat People with Respect

In your experience, why is treating people with respect so important?

People who are/feel Respected work harder for their team/leaders.  They are willing to put in the extra effort because they know their hard work is seen. 

How does treating people with respect help to create a positive climate?

Treating people with respect absolutely helps create a positive climate. Again, it makes members want to come to work and do their best.  People know they can be themselves (diversity) while also being part of the team (inclusivity).  

Have your supervisors always treated you with respect?

One of my first supervisors did not treat me with respect.  He was rude and often commented how females weren't meant to be in aircraft maintenance and that I would not last long.  

What are some ways that you treat people with respect in the workplace?

I treat people with respect by recognizing hard work as often as possible, publicly and personally.  There are some Airmen with troubled pasts that I check on regularly and encourage along the way.  

4 - Enforce Accountability

In your experience, why is enforcing accountability so important?

Accountability is important otherwise good conduct and discipline go out the window.  If you don't hold people accountable, standards and expectations are lowered (whether intentionally or not).  Non-performers will continue to be sub-par and hard workers will question whether their efforts are worthwhile.  

How does enforcing accountability help to create a positive climate?

Enforcing accountability ensures everyone understands expectations and standards, by also allowing individuals to grow and learn from their mistakes.  Accountability, the right way, encourages a learning environment and promotes growth.  

Have your supervisors always enforced accountability firmly, fairly, and consistently?

I have been lucky to have both fair and terrible supervisors.  I had several that were sexist or part of the "good 'ole boy club".  I've also had a few that were firm, fair, and consistent - correcting behaviors quickly and professionally while also maintaining respect.  

How do you enforce accountability in the workplace?

I enforce accountability in the workplace by setting an example and correcting behaviors.  It took a long time for me to feel comfortable giving feedback and holding others accountable.  One way I subtly correct behaviors are to make a simple statement like "Let's keep it professional" when inappropriate conversations arise.  Not only does this stop the inappropriate discussions, but it doesn't call out anyone specifically and also implies that 'we all' should keep it professional. 

5 - Encourage People to Have Fun

In your experience, why is having fun at work so important?

"Having a sense of humor about shared challenges provides a way to bond with others facing the same challenges."  This is so true in the aircraft maintenance community.  We poke fun at each other and the situations but allows us to bond.  It builds camaraderie and teamwork and allows the team to not be "all work and no play".  

How does having fun at work help to create a positive climate?

People need to enjoy what they are doing.  If they are having fun, they are more likely to be invested, willing to work hard, and more likely to learn.  

Have your supervisors always encouraged people to have fun at work?

Most of my supervisors have encouraged people to have fun at work however there are a few that really stand out.  CMSgt Winegar would dress up on Halloween, drink (and hand out) beers at Commander's calls, and have potlucks, and kimchi days at work. 

How do people in your workplace have fun?

At work, I tell Dad Jokes at roll call.  For Christmas, we had a decorating contest for shop cubicles.  

6 - Demonstrate Character

Why are people more resilient when their leaders demonstrate character?

People fall into followership and leadership. By our nature, we want to follow leaders that are of a certain caliber.  If a leader has the moral courage, to be honest, and give candid feedback, it allows members the opportunity to build resilience by growing through their struggles.  Moreover, if a leader has the character to humbly admit their own flaws and past failures, it shows they understand and is empathetic to challenging situations.  

Have your supervisors always demonstrated the character traits of moral courage, honesty, humility, and empathy?

Once again, I have experienced both types of supervisors.  I had a few who never admitted flaws and acted like they knew everything.  On the other hand, I had many that mentored me through times of struggle.  

How would you rate yourself on demonstrating these character traits? Which one would you like to improve on, and how would you?

I think I am pretty good at adopting and demonstrating these characteristics.  The one I would like to improve on is moral courage.  


7 - Manage Expectations

Why are people more resilient when leaders manage their expectations?

When leaders manage their expectations, people are more likely to understand the realistic outcomes rather than dwell on worst-case scenarios.  

Have your supervisors always managed expectations in the workplace?

My supervisors have not always managed expectations, but I can't think of a good example of when they haven't.  

How would you rate yourself on managing expectations for your team?

I think I am improving but still need to do better with managing expectations.  For example, when I was the SEL for the BTF I set very clear expectations and we had a very successful trip.  

The surprising ingredient that makes businesses work better | Marco Alverà - YouTube

The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown - Bing video

Everyday leadership - Drew Dudley - Bing video

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A641.9.3.RB - Becoming a Resonant Leader


    You have learned a lot over the last 9 weeks. More importantly, you have learned a lot about yourself. There are certain things about your real self you wish to move towards becoming your ideal self. These areas include learning how to get back to the physical health, completing your degree, and creating a work-life balance through mindfulness. Below is a detailed plan on how to accomplish all learning goals through action steps and milestones.

Learning Goal 1: Improve Physical Fitness and Overall Health 

Milestone 1: Workout 3 days a week for 3 months 
    Action Steps:
    1. Partner with Bryan to ensure accountability 
    2. Go to sleep at a reasonable time every night to get up early and workout. Lack of sleep and moving cannot be an excuse.
    3. Get enrolled in fitness class at next base / find new workout friends 
Milestone 2: Run a 5K 
    Action Steps:
    1. Slowly incorporate cardio into the exercise routine.
    2. Gradually incorporate frequency of training each week until running 3 times a week.
    3. Gradually increase the distance each week.
    4. Sign up for 5K that begins 3 months from training start date to allow myself ample training time to prepare and hold myself accountable.
Milestone 3: Meal plan
    Action Steps:
    1. Prepare meal plan and menu every Sunday.
    2. Grocery shop every Sunday and follow through on purchasing menu items.
    3. Review weekly family activity schedule to prepare for dinner conflicts accordingly.

Learning Goal 2: Complete Master’s Degree & graduate by July 31, 2021

Milestone 1: Complete MSLD 641
    Action Steps:
    1. Complete Discussion board post & 2 replies
    2. Complete General assignment  
    3. Complete/post this blog
    4. Finish strong  
Milestone 2: Complete MSLD 690
    Action Steps:
    1. Plan future schedules around coursework.
    2. Work with advisor to ensure eligibility
    3. Enroll for the course
    4. Complete course
Milestone 3: Graduate
    Action steps:
    1. Apply for graduation
    2. Plan date/time
    3. Invite friends and family to ceremony

Learning Goal 3: Create a healthy work-life balance full of mindfulness

Milestone 1: Improve mindfulness and self-awareness.
    Action Steps:
    1. Continue reading/researching mindfulness
    2. Find a church in new town that I connect with
    3. Attend 4 weekend masses in a row.
Milestone 2: Limit technology
    Action Steps:
    1. Do a tech-free day or weekend before the end of January.  
    2. Only listen to mindfulness podcasts to/from work
    3. Set limits on my phone like I do for the kids
    4. Discuss with Bryan and family about joining
Milestone 3: Daily meditation
Action Steps:
    1. Research different types of meditation
    2. Dedicate 10 minutes a day after waking up to meditation
    3. Discuss meditation with friends and family who have prior experience.

Seeing your personal vision become a reality will not be an easy journey. There will inevitably be some obstacles along the way. You will need people in your life to help support you and achieve your learning goals. There may even be some setbacks to accomplishing these goals, but you must see them as temporary and continue Look to your husband, kids, family, friends, and coworkers to be your greatest sources of support.

While this is a considerable amount to think about right now, remember to stay focused but flexible to new opportunities. This letter is a roadmap to what you feel is your current vision. However, we know that life is anything but predictable – and why we are directionally oriented in planning. We know that life is full of detours and that everything can change everything in a second.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

A641.8.3.RB - Personal Balance Sheet

Promoting assets and limiting liabilities can help you to achieve your hopes and dreams.  Completing the Personal Balance Sheet (McKee,et al, 2008, p. 150) as well as the exercises throughout the course have helped me reflect on my strengths and weaknesses. I discovered that I find strength in positivity and am passionate, driven, and authentic. Some other strengths are that I am flexible and creative.  Some potential strengths are my focus and initiative.  The Enduring Dispositions that support me is that I have a strong work ethic, I listen thoughtfully, and my ability to adapt and get along with almost anyone.  

I feel that my potential strength is empowering others. Inspiring and empowering others is a critical aspect of being an effective leader. Watching employees learn, grow, and reach their maximum potential is one of the most rewarding parts of being a leader. Northouse (2016) defined empowering as, allowing followers the freedom to be independent, make decisions on their own, and be self-sufficient. As a leader, taking the opportunity to mold your employees into successful individuals is extremely satisfying and something that I feel I am very good at, but not something that I am as effective in as I should be.

I wish I knew how to negotiate better. If I can develop the ability to negotiate the points which are essential and compromise on other points it will alleviate the win-lose situation. Therefore, everyone wins some parts, and I will not get so stressed out over the small details. I can encourage other people but seem to doubt myself in taking my own advice. According to Dan Rockwell, there is good doubt that can inspire critical thinking and there is bad doubt that paralyzes us. There is no progress with (bad) doubt. (Rockwell, 2014) Questioning our value could become a good doubt because it forces us to investigate where that feeling comes from. We may even discover new things about ourselves. It is when that questioning leads to inaction or demanding guarantees it can be debilitating and bad. (Rockwell, 2014)

When contemplating what I know I want to improve in, the main thing I want to do better is speaking up to assert myself. At times, I feel like if I am the least experienced person in the room, I don’t have enough credibility or a voice to express an opinion or idea. A weakness I want to change that can help me improve other weaknesses is my lack of self-confidence. Northouse (2016) explains, “Leadership involves influencing others, and self-confidence allows the leader to feel assured that his or her attempts to influence others are appropriate and right” (p. 24). As I develop as a leader, it is critical that my self-confidence improves because if I am continually second guessing myself, I am leaving the door wide open for my team to second guess me.

This personal balance sheet has allowed me to view and discuss my strengths and weaknesses. I understand that there are various strengths that I could display more often, but I feel comfortable with my strengths. My weaknesses, on the other hand, tend to hold me back. I must learn to be view myself in a more positive manner and relinquish the self-doubt if I am going to continue to grow.

McKee, A., Boyatzis, R., & Johnston, F. (2008). Becoming a Resonant Leader: Develop Your Emotional Intelligence, Renew Your Relationships, Sustain Your Effectiveness. Boston: Harvard Business Schools.

Northouse, P.G., (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Rockwell, D. (2014, Apr 26). Seven Certain Steps for Dealing with Doubt. Retrieved from Leadership Freak:

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

A641.7.3.RB - Appreciating Your "Real Self"

Complete the following exercises: "Listening To Your Wake Up Calls" in Chapter 3 of the workbook “Becoming a Resonant Leader.” 

Taking Stock  

Building Mindfulness Through a Personal Inventory

The activities I consider of greatest worth in my life are working hard, teaching my kids, mentoring others, reading, learning, time with family, and time spent outdoors.  The activities I consider of greatest worth in my work are mentoring others, working hard, learning, networking, and building relationships.  

What am I currently doing in my life that I like?
  • Make the time challenge
  • Taking masters class
  • Decluttering and getting rid of stuff around the house
  • Journaling
What am I currently doing in my work that I like?
  • Dragon University classes
  • Mentoring / feedback with others
  • Coaching Lauren
What am I currently doing in my life that I don't like
  • Being tired / taking naps
  • Scrolling Facebook so much
  • Not intentionally / deliberately focusing on kids
  • Not working out
  • Complaining 
  • Swearing
What am I currently doing in my work that I don't like?
  • Being unproductive
  • Not seeking out work
  • Gossiping / Rumor mill
  • Complaining

Mindfulness Check-In  

During the 2-minute mindfulness check-in it was easy to focus on the negative stressors in my life such as moving and finding a new house, worrying about my kids in school and health concerns amidst COVID pandemic.  Through this exercise, I realize I do not want to think about being negative or constantly worrying.  

The main areas of my body that I carry tension and stress are my neck, back and shoulders.  The past few weeks my back and neck have been hurting, but yesterday was the worst.  My back was spasming so bad that I could hardly move.  I had to schedule a massage and even after 20 minutes the therapist was not able to fully relax my muscles.  I need to prioritize my health and self-care.  I scheduled another a full massage for Thursday but making these a normal part of my routine care is necessary.  On the flip side, I took time this weekend to paint my nails (which I hardly ever do).  This made me happy especially since several people at work complimented me on the color.  

When focusing on my spirit, the images that came to mind were my son, Hayden, writing his stories.  He has such a vivid imagination and is extremely creative.  I need to encourage him more, letting him know I'm proud and supportive.  My kids inspire me to take time to enjoy the small things in life.  They also inspire me to finish my commitments, stay creative and to continue writing.  

Seeking Balance  

Attending Mindfully to All Aspects of My Self

Body - Eat healthy, stretching daily, routine massage/chiropractor appointments, workout, yoga

Spirit - Read, meditate, go to church

Mind - Journaling, reading, learning

Emotion - Time with kids, gardening, mentoring

Mindfulness Change  

Fine-Tuning Beliefs and Behavior
I need to focus on my body and physical health by eating healthy and exercising regularly.  Self care has not been a priority but obviously needs to be.  I will challenge myself to exercise at least two times a week.  Eating healthy while travelling and moving will be difficult - I need plan ahead and choose healthy options when dining out and to-go.   I also need to connect with family more often.  When I first joined the Air Force I would spend Sunday's calling family and writing letters.  I would like to get back to doing that and include the kids; this would help emotionally.  Along with exercising regularly, I intend to practice mindfulness daily.  Specifically, I am setting my morning alarm for 15 minutes earlier to do yoga, journaling or mediation.  Lastly, I will engage in activities that I enjoy without guilt or shame.  

I was not surprised by any of my responses or answers.  On the contrary, I know and have known where I am lacking in regards to being mindful.  However, these exercises continue to remind me to re-align my actions and intentions. "Active participation in the world rather than detached observation" (Denning, p. 271). Action is critical to success and leadership. I must be intentional in my efforts and continuously create goals and milestones.

Denning, S. (2011). The leader’s guide to storytelling: Mastering the art and discipline of business narrative. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A641.5.3.RB - ICT at the Team Level

Using the concepts within ICT focused on the team level, reflect on why the Olympic US Women’s Soccer team won so often and the United States’ men’s basketball Dream Team did so poorly in 2000 and 2004?

Intentional Change Theory (ICT) provides valuable insight into the ability for both individuals and teams to meet their potential and support success through an understanding of the power of intentional change. Whether team development is happening within an organization or on a sports team, in order to maintain sustained and desired change, the team needs to develop and maintain a shared vision, team identity, and multiple levels of resonant leadership (Boyatzis, 2010). Intentional change on a team level can only be sustainable and effective if the members within that team find balance and cohesion between their shared visions and motivators. Without these shared foundations, sustainable intentional change becomes difficult, if not impossible.

As mentioned in the prompt, the 2000 and 2004 Olympic US Women’s soccer team was very successful whereas the men’s basketball team was not. One standout reason why that might be is that the soccer team had been in the performing stage of development far longer than the men’s basketball team. These women had played together in many arenas beyond the Olympics and had already formed those resonant relationships with one another. As the first professional women’s soccer team, they also had an emergent awareness of shared hope that continued to motivate them to achieve more and reach their ideal purpose. Just like champion athletes develop and use an image of themselves performing at their peak in preparation for competition, there is power in focusing on a desired end" (R. Boyatzis & Kohlrieser, 2017). The US Women's team knew what they came to the world stage for, and they weren't leaving without it.

The United States Men’s Basketball team (known as the Dream team) struggled in the Olympics in both 2000 and 2004. The 2004 team lost to Puerto Rico in one of the biggest upsets in Olympic basketball history and will forever be marked as the one that brought home bronze instead of gold (Maisonet, 2017). One difference in the success of the teams may lie in how the teams were developed. According to Mark Cuban (2004), the 2004 Olympic team consisted of various all-stars and resembled nothing close to a unified or cohesive team. In fact, many of the players were accustomed to being opponents during their regular NBA season. "The stark reality of Team USA was that throwing a random assortment of basketball players with a "name" head coach into a situation they were wholly unprepared for didn't work" (Maisonet, 2017). Viewing this issue in the light of ICT, the coaches assembled teams of individuals who were had very highly skilled but were not provided the knowledge to adapt their skills on an international level. Another reason the men's team may have done so poorly was their negative outlook. The men's basketball team were riddled with personality and power struggles, causing much tension throughout the team. The balance between positive and negative emotions also play a significant role in the success and ability to change because positive attractors pull team members toward their shared purpose or vision, allowing them to experience hope as a group and focus on the possibilities, while negative attractors add balance by encouraging team members to reflect and explore alternative ways of taking action (Akrivou, Boyatzis, McLeod, 2006).

Akrivou, K., Boyatzis, R. E., & Mcleod, P. L. (2006). The evolving group: Towards a prescriptive theory of intentional group development. Journal of Mgmt Development Journal of Management Development, 25(7), 689-706.
Boyatzis, R. (2010). Coaching Teams for Sustained, Desired Change. In The Coaching Kaleidoscope: Insights from the inside (pp. 168-181). Palgrave Macmillan.
Boyatzis, R., & Kohlrieser, G. (2017, February 21). The Five Stages of Intentional Change Theory – Key Step Media. Key Step Media.
Cuban, M. (2004). What’s wrong with team USA basketball? Retrieved from
Maisonet, E. (2017, October 3). The Miseducation of the 2004 U.S. Men’s Olympic Basketball Team. Bleacher Report.